Caltex South Africa - Quality Fuels & Clean Petrol Stations

Delo 6300 SAE 40

Delo 6300 SAE 40

Delo® 6300 40 is a high base number, diesel engine oil.

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Customer Benefits

  • Reduces maintenance costs High alkaline reserve ensures that corrosive acids formed by the combustion of fuel sulfur are effectively neutralized, thereby minimizing corrosive wear.
  • Maintains high power output Superior thermal and oxidation stability assist the detergent/dispersant additive system in providing excellent control of high temperature deposits in areas such as the undercrown of the piston and piston ring belt area, enabling piston rings to function efficiently


Premium performance, 13 base number, diesel engine oil, meeting API CF. Has significantly enhanced dispersancy and oxidation resistance


  • Diesel engines where an oil meeting API CF performance and SAE 40 viscosity grade is acceptable.
  • Particularly for diesel engines running on fuels with sulfur content upto 1.0 mass% and high base number oil is desired.

Always confirm that the product selected is consistent with the original equipment manufacturer’s recommendation for the equipment operating conditions and customer’s maintenance practices.

For full product description see the PDS
